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Thank you for your support!

Shout My Story is a media campaign to share the truth about choosing life in difficult situations and promoting a culture of life.

We need your help! Please make checks to support Shout My Story payable to Pro-Life Champions.

Pro-Life Champions is a non profit , public charity, exempt from Federal Income Tax under 501 (c )(3 ) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.

For donations using traditional mail please use the following address:
Pro-Life Champions
P.O. Box 2425
Glenview, IL 60025

For instant, electronic donations, please click on the button.

Open your heart and be generous to support the all-important work of PRO-LIFE CHAMPIONS to utilize the media and spread the message of the Culture of Life. Standing up and defending the innocent unborn is the most important human rights issue of our times. We need your help to make a difference in this world for time and for eternity.

Thank you for your support!